Welcome to my website!
hello!! this is my (vex's) silly little website!! have fun and
remember that everything is fiction!! <3
please know that there will be a lot of incest, especially twincest,
typically sibling m/m!!
please remember to read all the content warnings on each page!
i will do my best to tag appropriately. if i miss anything, please dm me on bluesky or discord!
Please read this first !!
things i expect from you:
- you're from/know about my aethy/freaksonly (+ thus the general content i'll be putting on this site)
- youre cool w proship stuff. i dont call myself a proshipper but there are some problematic things here!! if you dont want to interact just leave the website please <3
things you should expect here:
- lots of oc rambling!!
- enthusiastic art and writing!!
- hehe catboy
- me being silly on main and making lots of puns :3
- maybe some risqué text and stuff. if you have access to this site you know the drill :)