>> interviewing radi and lis, pt. I

1. do your ocs like travelling? if yes, do they plan everything out in advance or just wander about until something interesting catches their eye?

yep!! radi plans. when he was younger he'd wing it and just be confused about where all this stress was coming from.
lis doesn't really care for travelling, but if radi likes it, he'll like it too. if lis was travelling alone he'd just plan the major stops and play the rest by ear. if it's a business trip lis Will force radi to go to a decent restaurant at least once so he can get a fraction of relaxation.

2. hobbies?!?!?! (ok these are more 'what do they like' than hobbies lmao)

radi likes/is comforted by cleaning, especially vacuuming. he Hates deep cleaning the bathroom or kitchen because they can get so messy. he sometimes watches those power washer videos where someone cleans off a sidewalk or something.
for games, radi likes point-and-click games where everything Makes Sense in the end. his fav game (technically a click and drag, but whatever) is a little to the left bc it's so satisfying.
he LOVES coding when it works (so do i, buddy). when it doesn't he will get passive-aggressive.


lis likes reading fiction, although after he grows up he prefers game design and fashion magazines. (he is responsible for a lot of the coding aspects of their job)
lis likes open-world games where he can do whatever. spends more time doing the side quests and maxing favourability with the NPCs that remind him most of radi than doing the main quest.

they both love baths.

3. hot or cold drinks? (bonus: hot or cold temperatures in general)

neutral - if it's hot they get cold drinks. who doesn't? (me. i almost exclusively have hot drinks.)

4. orange juice with or without pulp? or. no orange juice i guess (if so, what's their fav juice?)

radi: NO PULP. NONE. and it has to be 100% freshly squeezed orange juice blah blah blah
lis: all juice is good! 👍